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  • Katherine Hollingsworth

Webinar: Materials Constitution Data in MSI Eureka – Fundamentals for Efficient R&D


Upcoming Webinar and Training Session

Efficient progress in materials R&D requires an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of a material, which in turn requires knowledge of the material’s constitution, driving forces, thermodynamics, and (if possible) its kinetics. Materials constitution data provide a basis for innovative research to verify computational simulations and to guide experiments and alloy development.

Join Dr. Svitlana Iljenko, of MSI – Materials Science International Services in this webinar as she explains the necessity for critical evaluation of the often-conflicting individual constitutional data and presents the data categories of MSI Eureka available in the MedeA Environment.

Key areas covered:

  • Phase equilibria

  • Phase diagrams

  • Thermodynamics

  • Crystal structure

  • Materials properties

  • Morphology

The MSI Eureka database is provided by MSI GmbH (Materials Science International Services GmbH), and is the world’s largest knowledge base on materials constitution for inorganic materials.

Register Now

MedeA Training Session: Advanced Atomic Model Building Based on Comprehensive Databases

The week following the webinar, Dr. René Windiks and the Materials Design Support Team invite you to attend a MedeA training session. This training is open to everyone.

Learn to use the versatile MedeA Building tools and the comprehensive information of the various MedeA databases to create realistic models for atomistic simulations Training topics:

  • Explore MSI Phase Diagrams and extract essential structural data with MedeA InfoMaticA

  • Easily convert less practical crystal structures with, e.g. oblique angles and partial site occupations, into models that are ideally suited for calculations with MedeA VASP, MedeA LAMMPS, and MedeA GIBBS

  • Visualize facets of macroscopic crystals and create realistic surface models for complex structures with MedeA Morphology and the MedeA Surface Builder

  • Construct models for various interfaces with minimal strain and lattice mismatch using the MedeA Interface Builder and the MedeA Stack feature

  • Build nano-structures such as particles, tubes, pipes, and rods and deposit those on surfaces or in nanopores with the MedeA Nano Buildersand MedeA Docking

Register Now


Webinar and Training Dates

Thursday, March 4th: 10:00 am PST / 11:00 am MST/ 12 pm CST/ 1 pm EST (USA) 7:00 pm Europe (CET) 11:30 pm India (IST)

MedeA Training

Thursday, March 11th:

10:00 am PST / 11:00 am MST/ 12 pm CST/ 1 pm EST (USA)

7:00 pm Europe (CET)

11:30 pm India (IST)

*Registrations will also include a link to the recording and slides after the live session ends.


Dr. Svitlana Iljenko

Svitlana Iljenko is a materials scientist with expertise in materials constitution, i.e. phase equilibria, phase diagrams and related topics - crystallography, morphology, thermodynamics, etc. With a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the Ukrainian Academy of Science in Kiev, Svitlana is engaged for over 20 years at the German company MSI – Materials Science International Services GmbH – a research & publishing institution in the field of materials science. Svitlana is editor/co-editor of 24 volumes of the handbooks on critical evaluations of materials constitution data.


Dr. René Windiks

René Windiks is an author of scientific papers employing density functional theory, is a Science & Support Specialist and Battery Industry Lead at Materials Design. Prior to his appointment at Materials Design he worked at the Paul Scherrer Institute which has one of the major battery research laboratories in Europe. With a background in chemistry and physics, he is an expert in the computational design of materials, superconductors and environmentally friendly pigments. He was awarded a PhD in physical chemistry from the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2000.



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