Computational Analysis of Organic Photovoltaics and Organic Radical Batteries
Join us for the live webinars on:
Tue, January 22nd: 7 am Pacific / 4 pm Europe (CET)
Wed, January 23rd: 10 am PDT / 11 am MST / 12 pm CDT /1 pm EST USA / 7 pm Europe (CET)
Thu, January 24th: 8 am Europe (CET) / 12:30 pm India (IST) / 3 pm China (CST) / 4 pm Japan (JST)
Join Travis Kemper, Ph.D. in this month's webinar.
Learn how to achieve new insights into complex systems with computational modeling
Get an overview of organic electronic materials for solar cells and batteries
Explore charge transfer mechanisms in amorphous polymers
Travis will discuss the principle of charge transport in organic materials as it relates to the operation of organic photovoltaics and organic radical batteries. When the materials used in these devices were explored using computational techniques, the results changed the perception of how these devices operate.