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VASP.6: Total energies beyond DFT
VASP.6: Total energies beyond DFT

Presented by Dr. Martijn Marsman, senior scientist at the University of Vienna and coordinator of the development effort in the VASP Software GmbH

Thursday July 16:
7 am PDT / 10 am EDT / 4 pm Europe (CET)

Friday July 17:
8 am Europe (CET) / 11:30 am India (IST) / 2 pm China (CST) / 3 pm Japan (JST)

Check your email for links and calendar

Join presenter, Dr. Martijn Marsman, a senior scientist at the University of Vienna and coordinator of the development effort in the VASP Software GmbH, in our next webinar:

This webinar focuses on total energy calculations by means of methods beyond density functional theory, specifically using the Random-Phase-Approximation.

It will illustrate the need for these approaches and will highlight the work that has been put into VASP 6 to make these calculations tractable.

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