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  • Katherine Hollingsworth

UPDATE: The UGM is Going Global

In view of the continuing effects of the corona virus pandemic, Materials Design will hold this year’s User Group Meeting (UGM) in the form of a virtual event.

In place of a physical meeting, we plan to host a series of webinars in October accompanied by online and interactive training and poster sessions. The webinars will be open to all but slots are limited. Interactive training and poster sessions will be open only to Materials Design customers who are current in maintenance, and there will be a limited number of slots available.

The training sessions will target a broad spectrum of simulation capabilities and will address topics covered in the main presentations. Customers who are current in maintenance and would like to contribute a talk or poster to the meeting, please let us know, and we will work with you to facilitate this.

Additional details on the program, timing, and registration arrangements will be available soon.

For those who have already made bookings for the UGM, we will be in touch to make the appropriate arrangements with you. Please bookmark the following page, where we will be providing updates and details of the virtual UGM schedule:

We will miss meeting friends and colleagues in-person this year. However, the virtual plenary presentations will provide an exciting and dynamic perspective on state-of-the-art computational materials science. The training sessions will be a unique experience, with hands-on assistance from experts and developers from Materials Design, and will provide attendees a platform for exploring computational materials science techniques. We hope that you will be able to attend and we are greatly looking forward to meeting with you (virtually) in October - if not sooner!

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