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Software Release:
MedeA 3.10 - Multiscale!

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MedeA Environment

The Most Comprehensive Atomistic Modeling and Simulation Software for Materials Science


MedeA is the leading environment for the atomistic simulation of materials. MedeA enables professional, day-to-day deployment of atomic-scale and nano-scale computations for materials engineering, materials optimization and materials discovery. In MedeA, world-class simulation engines are integrated with elaborate property prediction modules, experimental databases, structure builders and analysis tools, all in one user-friendly environment.


Materials Design is the exclusive distributor of commercial VASP


“An industrially supported, compiled, and tested form of VASP is part of the Materials Design atomistic modeling and simulation software, the MedeA Environment. Integrated with the world's leading structural databases, MedeA offers VASP users a comprehensive software platform for large-scale computational materials science and engineering.”

- Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Kresse, VASP Gmbh

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What's New
Trusted by thousands of users in over 800 commercial, government, and academic institutions.
Cheering Crowd

Computational material science tools have revolutionized the evaluation of neutron thermal scattering laws.  All of the new thermal scattering laws including in the new US national ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library were developed using DFT or MD simulations.  The vast majority were developed by MedeA users using VASP, PHONON, and LAMMPS.
-Michael L. Zerkle, Ph.D., Senior Advisor,
Reactor Physics Methods Development,
Naval Nuclear Laboratory
“I like MedeA, it gives me more time to think.”

-Ryoji Asahi 

Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Nagoya, Japan

We are currently working with industrial partners to improve materials used in photodetectors. MedeA is ideal for what we need, as it allows me to study a wide range of material properties. The interface allows me to simulate what I want to, and the software comes with lots of built in materials which is really helpful. The MedeA support team is also excellent, in case of any problems. I highly recommend MedeA! 

-Dr Jamie Williams, Post Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 
University of Leicester, United Kingdom

What's New

MedeA 3.10 - Multiscale

MedeA 3.10 offers an integrated suite of multiscale modeling capabilities with advanced features that empower researchers to explore and design materials at an unprecedented level of precision and efficiency. Key highlights include full and integrated PhaseField simulation support for realistic modeling of materials...


MedeA VASP Training

Experience the ease with which atomistic models may be constructed and VASP simulations may be launched, monitored, and the results analyzed. Learn how to utilize recent VASP implementations such as machine-learned force field calculations (MLFF), and electronic structure calculations with the dielectric-dependent hybrid functionals (DDH) and doubly screened hybrid (DSH) functionals.


QuesTek and Materials Design, Inc. Announce Collaboration Partnership

The partnership will connect MedeA Environment outputs to ICMD® models to provide common clients with the most accurate predictive and prescriptive materials designs and compositions available. Noteworthy solution targets include mitigating severe degradations, such as those causing hydrogen embrittlement in green energy alternatives and those related to tritium in emerging fusion energy applications...


New Application Note: The structural Phase Transition in Ti Investigated Using a Machine-learned Interatomic Potential

This application note describes the generation of a machine-learned potential (MLP) using the highly automated MedeA Machine-Learned Potential Generator (MLPG). Our MLPG inputs a training set consisting of results from a set of MedeA VASP calculations selected by the user and generates a machine-learned potential for use with MedeA LAMMPS...


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